Saturday 21 March 2015

P7 to S1 Transition

Letters were issued via pupil post in mid November to parents of Primary Seven pupils to confirm the secondary school serving their home address. No further action is normally required if you want your child to attend your catchment secondary school. Those wishing to request a place at another school were asked to complete and submit a Placing Request for a Non Catchment School available online at FROM NOVEMBER 2014. All requests were to be submitted by 24th December 2014. Further information can be found on the school website in INFORMATION > P7 to S1 Transition. Please refer to the advice Councillor Paul Godzik's gave to families last year about enrolling at your catchment school.

N.B. If you do not intend keeping your child's place at his or her secondary catchment school, please notify school as soon as possible, since that will free up the place for those children waiting to hear. Contact who will pass on that information.

(N.B. It is important to recognise that if you live outside the school catchment area, attending Sciennes does not entitle your child to a place at James Gillespie's High School and families have to complete a Placing Request form if they are not in James Gillespie's catchment area.)