Wednesday, 21 October 2015

P1 Enrolment Thurs 12th November 2015

P1 enrolment for catchment pupils due to start P1 in August 2016 will take place on THURSDAY 12th NOVEMBER 9am-11.30am and 2.00pm- 3.30pm. 

If you live in catchment and your child is 4 years old by 28th February 2015 and due to start school in August 2016, please come along on Thursday 12th November 2015, 9.00 – 11.30am or 2.00 – 3.30pm to complete an enrolment form.
Please bring the following with you: 
  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Name, address and telephone number of doctor
  • Council Tax payment book or Council Tax letter
  • a current utility bill (in your name)
  • Names, addresses and telephone number of three emergency contacts. 

N.B. these are the ONLY accepted forms of proof.

Please feel free to bring your child but this is not essential if s/he is attending nursery. There will be transition and induction opportunities for your child to visit school in the summer term.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Catchment Primary School Open Day November 4th 2015

Sciennes will hold a City of Edinburgh 'Catchment Primary School Open Day' on Wednesday 4th November 2015 Tour slots are available between 9.30am and 11.30am and then again between 1.30pm and 3.00pm.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Moving from Primary to Secondary in 2016

Moving from Primary to Secondary in 2016

If your child is

  • due to start secondary school in August 2016
  • starting P7 in August 2015 at a City of Edinburgh primary school
  • living in the City of Edinburgh Council area
he or she is given a place at a secondary school based on catchment area.
You do not need to register as a place has been set aside at your catchment school.

If your child is in P7 at a primary school run by the Council, you will receive a letter about the procedures in October 2015, the year before your child will start S1. 

If you live in the City of Edinburgh Council area, or within the catchment area of a City of Edinburgh school, a place will be reserved for your child at one of your catchment schools You do not need to register.  

The non-denominational catchment school will be allocated unless your child attends a Roman Catholic primary school but you can ask to change this by sending an email to, giving your child’s name, address and the name of your preferred catchment school. If you live in an area with two non- denominational secondary schools, you will be asked to state your preferred school. Any change to your preferred catchment school must be made by 24 December 2015. 

Section 4: Making a placing request for a non-catchment school
You can request a place in a school in another catchment area. To do this, complete the form at, normally available in November each year. The closing date is 24 December 2015 and you will receive a decision by 30 April 2016 at the latest. 

You should also fill in this form if you are going to be moving to Edinburgh before the start of the new school session in August 2016

(N.B. It is important to recognise that if you live outside the school catchment area, attending Sciennes does not entitle your child to a place at James Gillespie's High School and families have to complete a Placing Request form if they are not in James Gillespie's catchment area.)

Making your request
When applying for a non-catchment school, you may only apply for one school at first. This is always treated as your first preference. 

It is very important that you give us all relevant information in support of your request. This may include medical evidence and reports from any other services or agencies that may have been involved with your child. 

Please note if you make a placing request and it is successful, you will not receive support with travel expenses. 

N.B. If you do not intend keeping your child's place at his or her secondary catchment school, please notify school as soon as possible, since that will free up the place for those children waiting to hear. Contact who will pass on that information.

Starting P1 in August 2016

Starting P1 in August 2016

If your child is

  • due to start primary school in August 2016
  • living in the City of Edinburgh Council area
you must register your child for P1 at your catchment school during registration week, 9th - 13th November 2015.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Primary One August 2015

The Induction Days for the new Primary One pupils due to start school in August 2015 will be held on 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th June. Details of the classes the children will be in will be sent out at the beginning of May. (Sciennes does not have its own Nursery)

The children will start school in groups of ten on Monday 17th, Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th of August 2015 from 8.50 - 12 noon. Details of the start date for the groups of children will be issued at the Induction Day. All children will be in school from 8.50 - 12 noon on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st August. The normal school day of 8.50 - 2.50pm will begin on Monday 24th August.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

P7 to S1 Transition

Letters were issued via pupil post in mid November to parents of Primary Seven pupils to confirm the secondary school serving their home address. No further action is normally required if you want your child to attend your catchment secondary school. Those wishing to request a place at another school were asked to complete and submit a Placing Request for a Non Catchment School available online at FROM NOVEMBER 2014. All requests were to be submitted by 24th December 2014. Further information can be found on the school website in INFORMATION > P7 to S1 Transition. Please refer to the advice Councillor Paul Godzik's gave to families last year about enrolling at your catchment school.

N.B. If you do not intend keeping your child's place at his or her secondary catchment school, please notify school as soon as possible, since that will free up the place for those children waiting to hear. Contact who will pass on that information.

(N.B. It is important to recognise that if you live outside the school catchment area, attending Sciennes does not entitle your child to a place at James Gillespie's High School and families have to complete a Placing Request form if they are not in James Gillespie's catchment area.)